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Komuso (est. 2017) The Original Breathing Necklace. Beware of counterfeit knockoffs.

Considering Vaping to Quit Smoking? It’s Not As Successful As It Sounds


Key Takeaways

01.  While marketed as effective, vaping to quit smoking is not a healthy alternative as it still introduces chemicals and more into the body. 

02.  E-cigarettes also contain nicotine, the highly addictive stimulant found in cigarettes that can cause a range of negative mental and physical health effects.

03.  The Komuso breathing necklace is a much more healthy way to manage withdrawal and kick the smoking habit.

04.  A breathing necklace should be combined with a comprehensive plan to manage triggers, cravings, and withdrawal symptoms to successfully stop smoking.

Use a Breathing Necklace to Quit Smoking Instead

At this point, it’s safe to say that we all know that smoking isn’t great for our health. But just because we know we shouldn’t puff on those little white sticks doesn’t make it any easier to give up the habit! Giving up smoking is difficult and takes some serious willpower. To help ease the struggle, many people have turned to or are considering trying vaping to quit smoking. 


Is this actually a good transition, though? Overall, not really, which is why a breathing necklace is a much better smoking alternative. Here’s everything you need to know before jumping on the e-cigarette bandwagon.

Does Vaping Help Quit Smoking?

So, here’s the thing. Some studies do support that vaping to quit smoking can be successful. 


It’s not all sunshine and rainbows as they make it out to be. The key is to consider the phrasing and look at the bigger picture. Vaping companies promote their products as a great way to overcome smoking. That said, they’re a business– they don’t want you to stop using their products! They simply want you to transition to spending money on their vapes instead of cigarettes. 


When you transition from smoking to vaping, you’re only succeeding at replacing one unhealthy thing with another. While studies are looking at whether or not people quit smoking, they’re not looking at whether or not people are eliminating the real problem: nicotine. Vapes still contain nicotine, the addictive substance that makes it so hard to quit smoking in the first place.


Will people use vaping to quit smoking permanently, or are they just transitioning to an easier, more accessible route to the stimulant? 


Chances are, they’re going to stick to vaping because it provides them with that nicotine buzz. And, it’s much more convenient and discreet, increasing the risk of becoming even more dependent on getting that next stimulant-fueled headrush. Some research shows that many people then combine vaping and smoking during the day to maintain an even steadier supply of nicotine to the body.

Another positive they tout is that vaping is healthier because it contains less chemicals than a cigarette. Listen, that’s like saying it's okay to drink a smaller bottle of poison because it's not as large as a gallon. You’ll still be inhaling chemicals into your body.


It makes sense why the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved any e-cigarette products to help people quit smoking. And why the CDC states, “There is no safe tobacco product. Use of any tobacco product, including e-cigarettes, carries a risk. Quitting the use of all tobacco products is the best way to protect your health.”

Why Vaping to Quit Smoking Isn’t Such a Healthy Alternative 

Vaping might seem like a good alternative to smoking, but is it really safe? The truth is these products are still new, and we don’t fully understand their long-term effects yet. And sadly, this isn’t a case where "no news is good news." Remember how long it took us to realize just how harmful smoking was?


Health experts, however, are clear: vaping is not risk-free. While we don’t have all the answers yet, we do know it can increase the risk of lung diseases, stroke, heart issues, cancer, and even mental health problems. So, using vaping to quit smoking isn’t the health-conscious move as claimed.

Why Worry About Vaping?

One of the biggest concerns is lung damage. Vaping still exposes your lungs to harmful substances like cancer-causing chemicals, heavy metals, and ultrafine particles. These can irritate and inflame your airways, leading to coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Some studies have even shown that vaping can cause DNA damage and lead to chronic lung problems.


And it’s not just the chemicals themselves that are concerning—the flavorings used in vape liquids are also risky. While they might be safe to eat, inhaling them is a whole different story. Some of these flavorings have been linked to serious lung damage.


Here are a few chemicals to watch out for:

  • Diacetyl: Known to damage small passageways in the lungs.
  • Acrolein: Can also damage lungs and is used as a weed killer
  • Formaldehyde: As a carcinogen, it can cause lung disease and contribute to heart disease.

The Nicotine Factor

Let’s also not forget about the real problem here: nicotine. Not only is nicotine highly addictive, but it also leads to a plethora of health issues that extend to all systems of the body, including cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, and reproductive systems, and it’s been shown to be carcinogenic. 


These are some of the health implications of nicotine:

  • Heart Health: Nicotine increases heart rate and blood pressure, putting extra strain on your cardiovascular system. Over time, this can lead to heart disease and increase the risk of heart attacks. It also causes the blood vessels to constrict, reducing the amount of oxygen that can reach your heart.
  • Lung Damage: While smoking is a well-known culprit in lung disease, nicotine itself contributes to lung damage. It promotes inflammation and can exacerbate conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Addiction and Brain Impact: Nicotine is highly addictive, making it difficult to quit once you start. It affects brain chemistry, altering mood and reinforcing the cycle of addiction. This is particularly concerning for young people, as it can impact brain development and increase the likelihood of future substance abuse.
  • Reproductive Health: Nicotine has adverse effects on reproductive health for both men and women. In women, it can reduce fertility and complicate pregnancy. In men, it can lower sperm count and quality, making conception more challenging.
  • Overall Health Risks: Nicotine's systemic effects extend beyond the heart and lungs. It can contribute to insulin resistance, increase the risk of diabetes, and affect the immune system, making the body more susceptible to infections and diseases.


So, is vaping to quit smoking a good move? Not in the slightest. The goal is to make you healthier, not transitioning from one bad thing to another!

Using a Breathing Necklace to Help Quit Smoking 

What can help and is healthy for you? A breathing necklace! 


A breathing necklace is a simple yet innovative tool that helps you slow your exhale, activating your vagus nerve and soothing your nervous system. Slowing the exhale is key to harnessing a lengthy list of benefits for your body and mind, which in turn helps you quit smoking.


This breathing tool does not use apps, batteries, or chemicals—it simply harnesses a natural, silent breath technique that brings calm. After reading the information above, the lack of chemicals should be a huge green flag! 

Breaking the Nicotine Habit

Breathwork is a hidden gem for wellness, and it's science-backed. A breathing necklace’s unique design helps you manage stress, anxiety, and the cravings that come with nicotine withdrawal. 

Managing Anxiety

Many turn to cigarettes for stress relief. Maybe you did as well! Unfortunately, smoking can be detrimental to your mental state. Nicotine provides temporary relief from anxiety, but it does not address the underlying issues. Studies show that long-term smoking is linked to increased anxiety risk. So, using vaping to quit smoking won’t help with those anxious feelings in the long-term either!


A breathing necklace offers a healthier, zero-nicotine solution. Plus you can wear it wherever you go! Slowing your exhalations helps trigger the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing anxiety and calming the mind. Not only does this help with the go-go-go of everyday life, but it also can help you curb that nicotine craving.

Replacing Oral Fixation

Smoking involves the habit of bringing something to your mouth. It’s difficult to replace that habit once it becomes a routine part of your day! A breathing necklace provides a much healthier way to satisfy this oral fixation through natural, deep breathing. Every time you feel like you need to take a puff, breathe through your necklace instead!

What’s the Best Breathing Necklace?

The best of the best is the original breathing necklace: The Shift! Our founder, Todd Steinberg, was in the same position as you and trying to quit smoking. 


During the process, he met with a meditation expert and discovered the power of harnessing the breath. He created the Shift to encourage this process and promote successful breathwork. He quickly figured out how well it replicates the hand-to-mouth motion, the breathing rhythm, and more! He soon realized that he was better able to overcome the obstacles that come along with quitting smoking simply by using his Shift. Years later, and he’s still nicotine-free!

About The Shift

Komuso uses an ancient straw breathing technique (proven by Stanford Labs’ physiological sigh) to be the most effective way to calm the nervous system and overcome those habits and cravings. The chamber is specifically measured to slow your exhale to 8+ seconds, triggering the vagus nerve and activating the parasympathetic nervous system. 


We use medical grade 316 stainless steel that bakes the precious metal colors through the piece through a proprietary process. This is important because the color in most jewelry wears down, or the plating chips or cracks. We aimed to avoid this so you can use your Shift Breathing Necklace for years.


Our customers also receive a free breath course called TKM: The Komuso Method to learn how to get the most out of the necklace. Our course provides a daily formula to easily incorporate better breathing practices so that you experience better mental health and wellness by quelling those anxious thoughts. By teaching you how best to use your Shift and combining breathwork, emotional granularity, and reticular activation, you’ll learn how to make a habit of feeling more calm and in control. This is a huge part of helping to replace the nicotine habit, whether smoking or vaping.

The Shift breathing necklace, so much good in one breath.


A Final Word

Leaving cigarettes in the past can be hard, but using vaping to quit smoking can be a setback you don’t want or need! Opting for a breathing necklace instead is a healthy way to support your body through withdrawal and the cravings to come. That said, it should absolutely be used in combination with other techniques. 


If you’re looking to quit nicotine, don’t jump in without a comprehensive plan. The more you do beforehand to navigate issues like withdrawal symptoms or triggers, the more successful you will be! Creating a support system, figuring out how to curb craving, and learning techniques to manage fluctuating mental states can make a world of difference in helping you succeed! 


And remember to give yourself grace through this process and ask for help when needed! You absolutely can kick nicotine to the curb and start your happier, healthier, and smoke-free chapter. 


Check out this blog for more steps you can take to quit smoking for good.


You can finally quit the habit. All you need is Shift.

Start  now

* FREE The Komuso Method course included

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